“In their words, not ours”
Implementing a new social-first marketing strategy for GenerationUK
Putting their alumni at the centre of the campaign
I spent a lot of time speaking with students when initially researching the organisation.
But when I did, I realised that what they had to say about Generation was our marketing gold. They didn’t need a script or even prompts to say positive things. Each and every one of them had a genuine passion for the way the course had changed their lives - We didn’t need to fake anything, we just needed to give them a platform to tell the truth.
We interviewed students and used their real answers as our marketing testimonials.
Our students became Generation UK ambassadors. Speaking for Generation across their social media channels and attending events as our spokespeople. We even onboarded a team of ambassadors to help with outreach at schools and community groups, because we knew that their perspectives were the ones that really mattered.
Word of mouth will always be the most powerful marketing medium

It was COVID, and budgets were small
We couldn’t produce high quality video footage, so instead I interviewed students via Zoom. We quickly learned that for our target audience; truly authentic content was always more powerful than over-produced ads when it comes to driving real conversions.
We moved beyond social
Sending these videos to community groups and potential applicants to provide more information and peace of mind about the courses they were applying to. Time and time again we heard from applicants that these videos were the turning point which pushed them to apply to the course.